So, first, I've been a bad blogger the last couple of weeks - I've been really busy and haven't thought much about the blog. I should be back on course for a while.
Yesterday, the girls and I all went with the Dowdy's to their cabin. Pat is one of the elders at church, and they own some land (86 acres) with a cabin that Pat built in the mountains/forest between Glenwood and Aspen. We rode up to the cabin with the Dowdy's, had a wonderful lunch and got to go 4 wheeling through some of the most beautiful country I've ever seen. The Dowdy's property is adjacent to the Strawther's property (they go to church with us also) which is like 160 acres - so we got to ride through all of it. Mountains, groves of aspen trees, running water, ponds, it was beautiful. Allyson rode between Pat and Patsy, singing the whole time until she fell asleep and Lauren rode between Amy and I - but she fell asleep right away. It was a wonderful day.
Rena Moll; A Life Well Lived
7 years ago
man, that sounds like a tough life you lead...
it is a tough life - but someone's gotta do it.
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