I was reading the end of Mark 8 this morning - the part where Jesus tells the disciples around him that if they want to become his followers they must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow him. I don't have any profound thoughts on this - I understand the deny myself stuff - logically, it's just a lot harder to put into practice. One thing that caught my curiosity is the take up your cross phrase. I've never given this a lot of thought. Obviously Jesus knows where he is heading (to the Cross and Calvary) but I don't think that this statement would have made any sense whatsoever to the disciples Jesus is talking to. Now, that doesn't usually stop Jesus from saying things, I'm just wondering if this is a phrase attributed to Jesus after his death/resurrection/ascension. Also - what does it mean, exactly, to take up my cross? What do you think it means?
I watched the Bears-Vikings game yesterday, that was a lot of fun (48-41) but the one thing that struck me was Kyle Orton is good - not just a nice breath of fresh air after watching Rex Grossman crap the bed for 3+ years - but Orton makes good checks at the line, good decisions with the ball and a great passer rating. So this is what it's like to have an NFL QB!
Amy and I watched Iron Man last night - I'm not usually a big fan of the superhero movies (I loved the last two batmans, hated the last spiderman, refuse to watch edward norton degrade himself as the hulk, ect.) Actually, of all the superhero movies this decade (and there have been tons) I liked the first Spiderman, and the two Batmans. But I really liked Iron Man. It was fun, I was entertained the whole time and I've always liked RDJ - in spite of his issues, he's always hooked me in his movies. So, I liked Iron Man and I recommend it.
Now you know that. Oh and happy birthday to my friend Rich.
Rena Moll; A Life Well Lived
7 years ago
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