They were astounded at his teaching. I love this side note in Mark 1:22. The thought that runs through my mind is “lucky – I want to hear Jesus preach.” I love that Mark points out that in the crowds mind Jesus teaches as one who has authority, not like the scribes. See the scribes and teachers of the law had to prove that they were authorities on the law by quoting previous rabbis and scribes – but when Jesus begins to teach, he didn’t have to quote the scribes, he had the authority. So this starts with the crowd perceiving that Jesus has authority, and continues with him showing he has authority. A demon possessed man shows up, the demon confronts Jesus but Jesus silences the unclean spirit and casts it out of the man. And everyone was amazed. I like the note that Mark leaves this on – “a new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” (1:27b).
A thought for this text – Jesus has been given all authority, everything has been subjected to him and placed under his feet. However, Jesus doesn’t exercise his authority in my life until I ask/allow him to. This is, I think, (and in answer to my friend Rich’s question) what free will is: that God has the power and authority to make us do anything but gives us the choice to choose whether or not to love him.
Rena Moll; A Life Well Lived
7 years ago
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