Earlier in Mark, when Jesus heals people he specifically tells them to go and tell no one. They then go and tell everyone that they meet. In Mark 5, Jesus heals the Garasene Domoniac – Legion. When Jesus is about to leave this man is begging to come with Jesus – but Jesus tells him to go home and tell how much the lord has done for him and what mercy he has been shown.
Why does Jesus tell some folks to stay quiet and another to tell everyone? I really don’t think it is reverse psychology that Jesus is trying to use on some folks (you know tell them one thing and they do the opposite). Instead – it’s all about timing. The folks Jesus tells to be silent all live in Israel, but this cured demoniac did not (Jesus and co. had gone across the sea to the Decapolis). The difference is the presence of the Pharisees and teachers of the Law – these guys were already getting a belly full of Jesus and looking to get rid of him – only it wasn’t time to die yet. That is why in Israel he asks the people he heals to not tell anyone – but when he is in the Decapolis he tells the man to tell what the Lord has done.
Rena Moll; A Life Well Lived
7 years ago
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