Sometimes the sports talk radio station comes in here (it’s really sporadic) and I heard a commercial with Mike and Mike singing a parody of the song “A Few of my Favorite Things” and after having family day today, I’m reminded of a few of my favorite things:
• One of Allyson’s favorite songs is “I Can Only Imagine” and she wants to listen to it in the car “loud.” She likes to scream the words she knows and it really is usually the funniest thing in my day.
• Lauren dancing. Allyson tries to dance, but she just kind of bends her knees and goes up and down; Lauren, on the other hand, has crazy moves. I laugh so hard I cry when Lauren feels the rhythm.
• Lauren head buts things. If she bangs her head on accident, she will continually slam her head into whatever she banged it on, laughing.
• Allyson figuring out how to conjugate her verbs. The other day, I was trying to brush Lauren’s hair and I grabbed this soft bristle brush off the counter and it’s bristles were wet. I said, “why is this brush wet” and Amy replied (with her dirty sense of humor) “probably because I pottied on it.” Without missing a beat Allyson looks up at me and says “probably because I poop-ed (that is she said the word poop then added ed on the end) on it.” I have quoted this a million times since then. This is what I have to put up with as the only male in the house.
• Watching Lauren eat an ice cream cone.
• Allyson told me tonight that her favorite places are the church and mcdonalds. Done and done.
Rena Moll; A Life Well Lived
7 years ago
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