Friday, September 05, 2008

Waking Up

Friday is my day off, and in the middle of the night last night I woke up and had to battle a few hours of insomnia. So, first I was woken up by Lauren (my 1 year old) saying Da-ddy, Da-ddy and patting my face. I gave her a hug and fell back asleep to be awakened by Allyson (my 2 year old) totally diving face first onto my face to give me a kiss. It's really the best way to wake up, my daughters loving on me (which they don't seem to want to do at any point of the day except to wake me up and the first 15 seconds when I get home from work). I was also brought to consciousness in the middle of the night by some crazy noise, which it turns out was Amy's phone with a text message that Aaron and Amy had a boy: Samuel Harrison Churchill Redelsperger (I hope he goes by all four names at all times). Life is good.

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