Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Books I'm reading this week

Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon (it's really good and I highly recommend it).
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (I'm gleaning things for my small group ministry).
The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe (A sci-fi fantasy book that is wonderfully written).

Additionally, I am playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion on the Xbox 360 (when my daughters are asleep) and it is one of the biggest and best games I have ever played, which I also highly recommend but only if you are into fantasy rpg's.


James T Wood said...

My dad loves that game (I know, weird, huh).

Does Hauerwas cuss in his books as much as he cusses in person?

Anonymous said...

no cussing. so, your dad has a 360...and you don't?

James T Wood said...

He has a PS3

That's too bad about the lack of cussing, I thought it would be refreshing in a theological book - then I might not fall asleep.

rich jandt said...

I could write a theology book with cussing. Not sure which curse word would be most prevelent.

rich jandt said...

Also oblivion is awesome. I have several maxed out char.

My favorite is a cat that is a master of arch, sneak, and athletics. Im a total nerd.

Justin said...

rich - I just want you to drop a "commies suck" in the middle of the theology book. I feel that this is a necessity.
I want a ps3 - just because I want the blu-ray player.